Fluentcrm kpis. FluentCRM 2. Fluentcrm kpis

FluentCRM 2Fluentcrm kpis  FluentCRM is a great way to manage customer relationships without doing every small detail on your own

When you click the ‘ create a new recurring campaign ‘ button, you’ll be sent to a page similar. However, today’s email marketing requires a broader approach to turn a potential customer into a. LifterLMS – Advanced Reports. One convenient feature of FluentCRM is how it links FluentCRM profiles with the user’s Wordpress profile. This doc will describe the REST API Endpoints of FluentCRM. It is required to create the List and tags before creating the form. 5. I understand that the base plugin will be offered for free in the WordPress plugin directory. 50 sites: $399/year. At first, go to your FluentCRM dashboard and click on the Create a New Automation button to add a new automation funnel. The FluentCRM App supports the following Triggers and Actions. WooCommerce – Advanced Reports. Email marketing has come a long way. Clicking on the Start Using Smart Links button will open a popup. 7. If the number is going down through a period of time, there might be some problem between your company and customers. Database Schema Database Models Developer Hooks Developer Hooks. LearnPress integration with FluentCRM. MemberPress integration with FluentCRM. Total Contacts: The number of all contacts regardless…Capture user events with 30+ built-in automation triggers and set them on a journey with your brand! Save Time. From the Reports option in FluentCRM, if you navigate to EDD then you can see an advanced report of the EDD data on your site. FluentCRM 101 New to FluentCRM and not sure where & how to get started? Here’s a highlight of FluentCRM in 2022: FluentCRM is now powering over 25,000+ businesses across the world, making it the most popular CRM plugin for WordPress. Omnisend, on the other hand, offers SMS and push notifications in addition to email. This is why around 80% of b2b content is gated. LMS Triggers. FluentCRM’s customer data and lead management platform allow admins to keep eyes on all developments and track down the MVP customers/leads. Automation Editor. You can click back and forth between the two. Create Incoming Webhook. FluentCRM 2. 8 means a lot. The FluentCRM Paid version offers an array of Annual Plans, priced from $129 to $499, catering to different preferences and needs. Our goal is to let you manage your lead and customers and email campaigns, automation, track activity, and many more. Pricing. Improved Tutor LMS Integration. FluentCRM allows you to integrate with several apps including Woocommerce, EDD, LifterLMS, Paid Membership Pro, AffiliateWP, and Fluent Forms, etc with which you can increase productivity and. To add Company details, simply click on “ Add Company “. UTM parameters are a great way to track a campaign through Google analytics. TutorLMS Integration with FluentCRM. It’s a popular, free CRM plugin that offers lots of functionality for a WordPress-based CRM. Today, we released version 1. FluentCRM – Email Marketing Addon is the Pro addon that extends the base version. The report shows the Total Students, Total Course Enrollments, Total Group Enrollments, and the Top Selling Products. All of these features can be accessed from within the. 95? Improved automation features. 30+ Integrations. To the left is a tracker of sales by sales rep, designed to accurately measure the revenue contribution of each team member. Zapier Integration with FluentCRM. # Using Cursors The cursor method allows. Por ejemplo, si observas que la tasa de conversión es baja, puedes implementar cambios en tus campañas de marketing y ventas para aumentar la eficacia. 1. Then you will see a pop-up window appear, here you can enter a suitable Internal Label. Go to the WordPress Admin Dashboard → Plugins → Add New. Using their CRM, reps can track KPIs against the baseline set by the rest of the team, and work to improve their performance in healthy competition with the rest of the team. Induce excitement through pre-launch emails. It reduces data redundancy, thereby making life easier for you and your teams. Primary Automation Triggers. It substantially increases and improves your marketing workflow and build. This is the first release in 2021, and we are really excited about this year and FluentCRM. 2, we have added the plain text email template. This section records and calculates the commerce values like orders, purchase dates, etc. Models typically live in the app/Models directory, but you are free to place them anywhere that can be auto-loaded according to your composer. FluentCRM 1. FluentCRM Pro v2. This option offers powerful filtering by various contact data that are either static or dynamically changed upon. FluentCRM will become the go-to email marketing solution for WordPress-based membership, course, and e-commerce sites. 7. The Pro add-on can also be found on your WPManageNinja account dashboard. Now we are going to Edit the Form we want. 9! Once again, this update includes all the tiny features and improvements you’ve been asking for, including WooCommerce. FluentCRM lets you compose, filter audiences, and send emails to thousands of subscribers. Create your CRM dashboard. 👦 Eric Gracieta from BrockwayProduction, WordPress Consultant FluentCRM looks like a very promising WordPress-powered CRM. 8. The available settings options for Email templates are: Template Title: The Title, as an identifier for later use for the Template. It accepts an array of tags as an argument. Previously we have explored the available conditions available to be checked in the FluentCRM automation for Primary Conditionals, Ecommerce Conditionals, and LMS Conditionals. Workflow is a set of actions. So stay connected, gain trust, and develop a stable business with loyal. 3. FluentCRM is a Self Hosted Email Marketing Automation Plugin. Then upload your JSON file to get started. This update comes with improvements to the newly released recurring campaign, more smart code for your dynamic data, and some under-the-hood improvements. . 8. Phrases like “Missing Out,” “Gone,” “Lost,” and “Vanishing” generate a sense of exclusivity slipping through the fingers. 0 brings you recurring campaigns, a feature that lets you set up automated newsletters or email campaigns (e. The percentage of people who opened your email and clicked on the link you provided is measured by the click-through rate (CTR). Intro Are you looking for a powerful email marketing and customer relationship management solution to drive engagement and boost your business? Look no further than the QuillForms FluentCRM addon. FluentCRM. NetSuite CRM’s dashboard overview with KPIs and sales numbers. To use FluentCRM on another website, copy your license key from the WPManageNinja account dashboard. The Enable Create new contacts in FluentCRM when a visitor adds a comment in your comment form option automatically adds your site commenter as a subscriber in FluentCRM by adding a checkbox after the comment box. As a token of our appreciation for helping us maintain the security of FluentCRM, we offer a reward of $250-$500 for the disclosure of any security vulnerability that we subsequently confirm as valid and fix. FluentCRM is powering over 20 thousand businesses and helping them run email marketing campaigns effortlessly. Company module upgrade. Firstly, you will have to install and activate the plugin on your site. Data-driven marketing is your piece of cake with FluentCRM!Top features of BetterDocs that are elevating customer support For FluentCRM. Streamline your user’s journey with your brand with 20+ actions. 5. Now from the FluentCRM menu, navigate to Settings ⇒ Incoming WebHooks and copy the webhooks. Represents the average amount of time it takes for a lead to become a customer. In v. Then Login to your ElasticEmail account then navigate to Settings > Manage Webhooks and click on Create Webhook Button. It has a lot of potential, but the learning curve is currently steeper than FluentCRM or Groundhogg—. This module allows you to enable REST API functionality at your your Perfex CRM installation. Select FluentCRM condition type. It’s the market-leading WordPress-based CRM plugin and is more polished than before. By @WPManageNinja alongside @Fluent_Forms, @Ninja_Tables and @WPSocialNinjaFluentCRM automatically integrates with popular e-commerce, lead generation, membership, and LMS plugins without any add-ons. Updated on February 28, 2022. 6 predictions for the future of email marketing. Columns: This block will help you set up columns; you can even set different colors for the columns. 1. FluentCRM Pro is a new WordPress plugin offering email marketing automation. Install, Upgrade and Activate FluentCRM License; Transfer License from one Domain to another; Introduction to FluentCRM Dashboard; Migrating into FluentCRM from Other PlatformsFluentCrmApi('lists') basically returns FluentCrmAppApiClassesLists Model class instance. You can either update if the contact is already present in the FluentCRM Contacts which means recurring triggering for the automation or Skip the automation for this contact. Trigger is an event that starts the workflow, and an action is an event that is executed by. The three-strike rule should be your first course of action when dealing with harassment from customers. 26. Webhook Integration. Along with that, our UI enhancements and other UX. Constant communication is the key to marketing. 5. The command for. Annual subscription. 5 Site License : $ 249/Per Month. …#1. From your FluentCRM dashboard, navigate to the FluentCRM Global Settings and select Incoming Webhooks. Enable – Tag-based double optin redirect. FluentCRM brings all your WooCommerce sales data in one place. Cloudflare or Security Plugin Compatibility. I am a user of both Wordfence AND FluentCRM and this is indeed a pain in the butt. From the Reports option in FluentCRM, if you navigate to LearnDash then you can see an advanced report of the LearnDash data on your site. FluentCRM offers a lot from the start and promises a lot more in future iterations. Write flawless announcement copies. Total contacts, Email Campaigns sent from FluentCRM, All the emails generated and sent from FluentCRM, Tags, Email Templates, and many more on the front page or the dashboard. You can also see a graphical report of the Enrollments and Student Growth over a certain period. Exporting and importing your LifterLMS students via a CSV file leaves you with a complex mapping process. 8. Media Content Blocks # In the Media content block, Image Block is available to be used in the email editor. Here’s and expert review by ChrisLema. Updated on February 28, 2022. Compose Email in FluentCRM. If they do have the tag, the cart is still abandoned, and you can send your recovery email. 92. As we have seen and learned about the Contacts Dashboard and also the General & Dynamic Segmentation of the FluentCRM contacts, we have noticed that there is an Advanced Filtering option available in the FluentCRM. With FluentCRM’s integration with Fluent Forms, you can quickly head to the edit form action and enable form landing page mode easily. This KPI helps you understand the effectiveness of your sales process and CRM system in turning potential prospects into paying clients. Let’s get started with the actions and see their capabilities in detail. 0. If you’re new to FluentCRM, please read our FluentCRM Review for a holistic view. You gathered data on your KPIs and your unique sales process in steps two and three. Zoho CRM – one of the best CRM plugins for lead capturing. Activate License on New Domain. CRM ERP Business Solution Follow the below steps to campaign archives on frontend. View revenue for specific emails. There’s also a certain elegance and simplicity to having everything “in house”. It enables you to create forms, build contact lists and profiles, set up email campaigns and sequences, and develop automation workflows within the convenience of WordPress. For Every Minute Execution, you may skip this. The array cast type is particularly useful when working with columns that are stored as serialized JSON. Manage your leads and customers, email campaigns, automated email sequencing, learner and affiliate management, and. FluentCRM REST API Documentation. FluentCRM is the best and complete feature-rich Email Marketing & CRM solution. FluentCRM has a 100% 5-star rating record among 69 reviews it received to date. Customer retention rate: The percentage of customers who remain a customer over a. Get a clear and actionable view of your email marketing performance, and take your business to the next level with FluentCRM and Numerics! FluentCRM 2. Metrics. Easily send or schedule one-off campaigns, get all KPI metrics, and implement data-driven post-campaign actions. No. FluentCRM allows you to integrate with several apps including Woocommerce, EDD, LifterLMS, Paid Membership Pro, AffiliateWP, and Fluent Forms, etc with which you can increase productivity and conversions by syncing data across apps. Create a Form using MetForm and paste the webhook #. The relevant Product/Plugin Specific Integration Settings are documented. With a 360° contact overview, get purchase records and communication history to understand your customers. FluentCRM’s BuddyBoss Integration allows you to: Extend the REST API. So when you come over here on the FluentCRM side and you go to “Automations”, you are able to see the automatic integration there on the FluentCRM side. FluentCRM operates on a freemium model, granting access to both free and premium versions. FluentCRM is a Self Hosted Email Marketing Automation Plugin for WordPress. Previously FluentCRM tags information was available under the user’s CRM profile. However, some differences make them two different metrics with distinct calculation methods. Never miss a beat with Numerics and FluentCRM. Last Order: The last date when the customer purchased something. FluentCRM 2. FluentCRM provides an excellent contacts dashboard that represents all the necessary summaries of the activities. Take your business to new heights with FluentCRM’s centralized reports shown in numbers and graphs! You can get an overview of your subscriber growth, campaigns, email stats, and analyze their performances within specific timeframes. Then paste the webhook URL and select Bounce and. 8 ways to announce a new website launch: 1. Without REST API FluentCRM will not work. Below is a screenshot of an Email campaign while sending a. Free trial. Now it’s time to fill in the Form Title, Select the List and Tags you want to map with FluentCRM. A high retention rate is a sign that the business is providing a high level of value to its customers, and it is typically a good. LifterLMS – Advanced Reports. Even after the rise of social media marketing and PPC (Pay-per-click) advertisement, it remains the channel with the highest ROI. # Built-in FluentCRM DB Models. The percentage of people who opened your email and clicked on the link you provided is measured by the click-through rate (CTR). It accepts an array of lists as an argument. Our free SMTP plugin – FluentSMTP, is now powering 50,000+ websites. A typical WordPress contains various Plugins to work with different types of features and may sometimes create issues working with different plugins, hosting environments, Caching Mechanisms, etc. FluentCRM Install. it's designed to go head to head with other solutions like MailChimp, Getresponse, Constant Contact, and more. Copy the shortcode from the. Click Create Form after you’re done with setting them up. It allows you to create forms, segment contact lists, set up email campaigns, email marketing automation funnels, and email sequences to send personalized, behavioral emails at different stages of your. Define the condition rule. QuillForms is a user-friendly form builder plugin for WordPress that simplifies the creation of custom forms. BuddyBoss is a very popular open-source solution for creating online communities. Now click on the Create Tag button and name your tag. It’s obvious that you’ll want to know how your Easy Digital Downloads customers have interacted with your business over time. Segment your users into a variety of lists and tags, and provide personalized yet unique emails to each segment. Internal Description: A description that will be used as a subtitle in the Block Diagram in the Automation Editor. With the Fluent CRM Integration into WPCafe, you can get the Order, Reservation’ information such as names, email, and phone into the fluentCRM directly. 1. Dark mode design. Type in ‘ FluentCRM ’ on the search box, click the install button and then Activate it. 9 stars on the WordPress repository, with 102 customer reviews. Words or symbols such as “Black Friday,” “deals,” “%,” “discounts” and “off” generate excitement. In this documentation, we will see and learn how FluentCRM organizes contact data and some actions that are possible from the. These are the variables you focus on to reach a particular goal. FluentCRM Developers. Tutor LMS is one of the prominent LMS plugins in the market and many FluentCRM users are also. Now, let’s go over the picture below to understand this in a better way. 👦 Eric Gracieta from BrockwayProduction, WordPress Consultant FluentCRM looks like a very promising WordPress-powered CRM. TutorLMS Integration with FluentCRM. LifterLMS Integration with FluentCRM. Contact Overview. FluentCRM Plugin Pricing. There are some places where you might want to use Customer or Contact Data available in FluentCRM. 4. The SMTP Protocol, API-based 3rd party delivery providers, and direct PHP-based sending require SMTP Port 25 to be opened from the WordPress hosting server. 33 WP Plugin. You can send emails and tailor them exactly to your business needs without writing out. Inegrate FluentCRM with DAP, the number 1 rated membership plugin for WordPress. Before getting started, you will have to make sure that you've also set up the FluentCRM mailing list and tags that you want to use for the automation. Automate Anything! Don’t waste time doing things you can automate! Automatically send follow-up emails, create WordPress profiles, update user information, and more. 5. JetPack – A complete WordPress CRM package. Click on the Import button located on the top right corner of the page. Clone Actions. If you follow us closely, you know we don’t invest in paid promotions. Then select the Category as. NOTE: FluentCRM offers helper functions and methods to interact with FluentCRM's database so you may use those things instead of Models directly. Below is a…NOTE: FluentCRM offers helper functions and methods to interact with FluentCRM's database so you may use those things instead of Models directly. 5. Given that big companies are relying on offers to retain customers, safe to say that emails with offers will work the best for retaining your customers. CRM KPIs Vs. Given that big companies are relying on offers to retain customers, safe to say that emails with offers will work the best for retaining your customers. Install the Plugin. If you find any typo or would like contribute please send a pull request with improvements. This is the drag and drop visual email, template builder. Developer Hooks / Functions. Jetpack CRM, previously known as Zero BS WordPress CRM, is a very easy-to-use plugin. Antes de comenzar a optimizar tus estrategias de marketing, primero debes medir los resultados. In FluentCRM, an email campaign is a bulk email marketing campaign that is sent to many contacts at once instantly or in a scheduled time defined by you. Installing FluentCRM is as easy as installing any other plugin. . It has everything a beginner needs to get started and has the power to follow you along when you need more advanced features. This is a limitation of FluentCRM; a user can’t be added to a list or tagged unless they’re already added as contacts in the CRM. FluentCRM Pro is a paid version that adds a number of advanced features and options not found in the free version. Select Edit Integration Settings to go to the FluentCRM Integration Feed settings of Fluent Forms. Options are: Data Key: The key mapped to the remote source will be accepting the sent data value. The best thing about FluentCRM is that it lets you set up automated email sequences and marketing automation funnels within the convenience of WordPress, making it the best plugin to run a newsletter campaign. After clicking the import button a popup will appear where you need to select the LifterLMS option as the contact source and then click next. FluentCRM Pro is a. Configure Amazon SES to send bounce information to FluentCRM. Get Automator Get FluentCRM Triggers for logged-in users A tag is added to a user. ConvertKit’s one-of-a-kind innovation is that it lets you offer content upgrades easily and incentives with email signup forms. Added FluentCRM lists on the ticket sidebar. FluentCRM's Email Builder Is Rough. What sets FluentCRM apart from its competitors is that it is a self-hosted. FluentCRM is a great way to manage customer relationships without doing every small detail on your own. You can filter your campaign by the keywords of your campaign. FluentCRM is the perfect companion for your WooCommerce store. It provides you with the features you need to manage an unlimited number of customers, subscribers, members, users, and many more! And the built-in email marketing feature means that you have a wide array of email marketing tools to maximize your. Product. Move Actions. Please note that eligibility for this reward is. Buttons: To use buttons on your email body, simply drag the button field. Cron Job: Replace with a Server-side Cron Job (cPanel) FluentCRM is a plugin that works continuously in the background to complete and process the tasks that are scheduled every minute like any other Email Marketing Application. Incoming webhook Incoming. In order to use the automation funnels we’ve provided, just download the automation, go to your FluentCRM dashboard>Automations, and click the Import button. In FluentCRM, create an automation that is triggered when the Abandoned Cart tag is applied. Then, from Course Options, you’ll need to select the FluentCRM tab. FluentCRM provides REST API to manage various kinds of tasks and access FluentCRM data as well. Give the WebHook a Name as an identifier first, Choose lists and tags for the user who will subscribe through the webhook, and finally give a subscription status to. With user-friendly interfaces and a flexible automation builder and email campaign editor, FluentCRM provides an easy and efficient way to manage and create your marketing campaigns. I want to continue to use BOTH on my website and not have to choose one or the other. Automation Name: Provide a Name for the Automation. With each product update, FluentCRM comes with something exciting & notable. Get your Webhook URL from FluentCRM. Membership Level:. REST (representational state transfer) is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating Web services. 34 – File Upload Compatibility, ActiveCampaign Data Import & One-click Unsubscribe November 14, 2023; The Future of Email Marketing: Predictions and Trends November 9, 2023; FluentCRM-GetGenie Integration: Start Writing Your Marketing Emails with AI Magic! November 1, 2023 Calculate the total number of emails sent over the selected time period, including both successful deliveries and bounced emails. This brings up a contact import pop-up from where you can choose BuddyBoss as the source of your import and click Next. From now on, FluentCRM is ready to deliver an immersive experience to its users, helping them manage their B2B communications more efficiently. LearnDash This conditional element checks conditions for LearnDash data. This plugin lets you manage your leads and customers, email campaigns, and much more stuff. Paid plans comparison: FluentCRM’s pricing is based on the number of sites you are managing. Aside from the pre-made templates, You can also add other input fields in the Opt-in forms and feed them to FluentCRM. Internal Description: A description that will be used as a subtitle in the Block Diagram in the Automation Editor. Connect your tools now and unlock unlimited automation possibilities! See all integrations. 7. The annual price of the Pro plan is $480 and works on up to 5 sites. Scroll down to Contact Tags and check the Enable Dynamic Tag Selection checkbox. RESTful Web services allow the requesting systems to access and manipulate Web resources through a standardized interface. In the next step, choose whether you want to Import by. You have a couple of options for building emails. Email Templates. {fluentcrm. In comparison, click rate (CR) displays the percentage of recipients who clicked on that advertisement. You can run email campaigns to send your marketing messages to the subscribers who opted for your marketing messages. The workflow builder is quite handy. 34 (DATE: Nov 14, 2023) = Added One Click Unsubscribe option in compliance features Image upload compatibility with WordPress 6. Bounce Handlers. However, if you run an agency, you can opt for the 50 sites license and upsell FluentCRM’s solution as part of your premium care. The report shows the Total Students, Total Course Enrollments, Total Membership Enrollments, and the Top Selling Products. 8. WP Fusion is a CRM plugin that focuses more on the marketing automation side than contact management functionality. Here we’ll set the tag and the conditions. **click to enlarge**. FluentCRM Pro is a premium self-hosted email marketing automation plugin for WordPress. Next, create a few tags and. And from a FluentCRM profile, you can see the user ID link. Here all 5 stars mean Every Minute on Every Hour on Every Day on Every Month on Every Weekday. If you own a small business, the best CRM plugin for WordPress is WP ERP. After that, you should know exactly what to include on your CRM dashboard. You can quickly add such data via ShortCode and typing @ in the Email editor will offer you with such Contact Data such as Full Name, First Name, Last Name, Contact Email, Contact ID, User ID, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, etc. FluentCRM is a powerful email marketing & automation application that enables its users to market through emails, run automation based on various triggers, and perform different actions. To get started on a fresh FluentCRM installation you will see the dashboard as in the screenshot below and click on Start Using SmartLinks or on the regular option Add New Smart Link. Our vision is to make email marketing affordable for small businesses. FluentCRM is a Self Hosted Email Marketing Automation Plugin for WordPress. Action Hooks Filter Hooks Global Functions Helpers Classes CLI Modules Modules. How to integrate FluentCRM with any WordPress form plugin. You can set the Text in Label Settings that is shown to the user and. FluentCRM 2. SmartCode. And it’s all because of you —our amazing brand. There are two plugins to install. Then you will find a page appear where you have to select the form & Map Primary and Other data. Your peace of mind is so much more important than the chaos that user management can sometimes turn out to be. You can choose from the various field types listed in the below. Introduction to FluentCRM Dashboard. In order to help you make the most of this tool, we tried to cover as much as possible in our regular documentation. FluentCRM es un plugin de automatización de email marketing para WordPress. It has different pricing plans: Single Site License : $ 129/Per Month. Clearout. 50 sites: $399/year. Additionally, birthday marketing is a powerful technique to enhance customer experience and increase revenue. Features Manage Email Campaigns. What are email marketing KPIs? Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, in email marketing are vital measures that provide email senders with a clear and precise view of their campaign. The good news is, with the release of version 2. 0 brings two important improvements to the email sequence module. WP Fusion. And if you want to optimize your email marketing efforts, FluentCRM offers advanced reporting to track all the KPI metrics. Email Marketing Automation dedicated to WordPress, and you! FluentCRM PRO NULLED is a Self Hosted Email Marketing Automation Plugin for WordPress. It broke the Fluent Forms LTD campaign record. 7. FluentCRM allows you to integrate with several apps including Woocommerce, EDD, LifterLMS, Paid Membership Pro, AffiliateWP, and Fluent Forms, etc with which you can increase productivity and conversions by syncing data across apps. As we have seen and learned about the Contacts Dashboard and also the General & Dynamic Segmentation of the FluentCRM contacts, we have noticed that there is an Advanced Filtering option available in the FluentCRM. Target Membership Levels: Choose which. There are various ways to deliver emails from WordPress. WooCommerce Automation with FluentCRM. Run automation with advanced conditional logic! Synchronize WooCommerce, EDD, LifterLMS, and LearnDash data! Import EDD & WooCommerce contacts by product purchases! View customer summary at a. They consolidate the data, displaying it through metrics you chose as your KPIs, and provide you with interactive,. 2) Email Marketing: FluentCRM includes a powerful email marketing platform that allows you to send newsletters and automation sequences. It is also the simplest and fastest CRM and Marketing Plugin on WordPress. Now we are going to Edit the Form we want. BetterDocs provides advanced features, ensuring visitors swiftly pinpoint the exact documentation solution they require. From your contact dashboard, click Import. No reviews yet. BuddyBoss/BuddyPress Integration. A popup form will appear, and you will see the available Field Types. FluentCRM is a great way to manage customer relationships without doing every small detail on your own. Our “In-house” contact importer lets. FluentCRM offers lots of dynamic merge codes for your email subject, the body that you can use to personalize your emails. Wait X Days. On the next screen, you will be asked to give ActiveCampaign API Key, you can acquire the API key by going to Settings -> Developer -> API Access. More focus on subject lines and content quality. 2 includes some important features for those who use Tutor LMS.